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News > Company news > The development of spring and processing technology
The development of spring and processing technology
Editor: AddTime:2016-08-10 Hits:1442
At present, the mechanical spring processing equipment and processing production line in numerical control (NC) and computer control (CNC) the depth and breadth of development. But as the change of spring material, and a few new, processing technology also have development.
1) change the spring diameter, defect and wire diameter (trible changers) had been achieved suspension spring molding processing. Since spring trible changers, development has been the taper winding on steel rods in the numerical control lathe processing, but the yield and prices are not ideal. Now instead of through the spring coiling machine, heating conditions control roll speed and drawing force, needed to get the cone shape, and the quenching process of waste heat.
2) hollow stable spring rod with low carbon boron steel plate welding.
3) torsion bar using high purity of 45 steel, high hardness on the surface of the obtained with high frequency quenching and larger residual compressive stress, so as to improve the fatigue life and relaxation resistance.
4) electronic products are widely used leaf spring are basically adopts the stamping and automatic bending forming. Mainly is the development of composite material bonding technology.
(1) spring cold forming process
1) cold forming process of disposable automation capabilities. Cold forming machine now has grown to 12 feet. Within the range (0.3 ~ 14) mm steel wire, in eight claw shape function basically forming at a time. The development direction of equipments in the forming process: (1) improve the forming speed, is the main development trend of forming speed, improve equipment production efficiency; (2) by improving the equipment parts precision and strengthening effect of heat treatment to enhance the durability of equipment; (3) to increase the length of the sensor and a laser range finder to CNC machine for automatic closed-loop control manufacturing process.
2) the scope of cold forming process. Current line of large diameter spring spring coiling machine, the biggest specifications up to 20 mm, = 2000 mpa, convolute than 5. Variable diameter or Minic - Block size, such as the spring and eccentric spring cold forming technology still has limitations.
(2) the spring hot forming process
1) hot forming process speed ability. At present our country on (9 ~ 25 mm specifications forming only CNC2 shaft hot spring coiling machine, maximum speed of 17 pieces per minute. Compared with the developed countries under the gap is bigger.
2) the big spring hot forming process control. Because only CNC2 shaft hot spring coiling machine, shape control three directions, less accuracy; And no automatic bar stock rotation control and adjustment, so hot coil spring forming technology level and ability is low. So spring level of precision and surface oxidation decarbonization level is low.